Vertic's shoe patch
VERTICS.Shoepatch is THE patch kit for holes in climbing shoes!
What the trade press says:
Tested on Online and in issue 02/2019. Read the online report about resoling climbing shoes and patching holes in climbing shoes with VERTICS.Shoepatch here .
Here is the article from the "Klimten" magazine:
The old packaging is still shown here, we have created a new packaging and adapted the content.
Thats how it works:
Similar to a repair kit for the bicycle tube, you can "stick over" the holes in the climbing shoe with patches made of soft binding rubber...or rather " vulcanize " them.
The rubber patches are permanently and firmly connected to the shoe rubber with the help of a vulcanizer from the tube. Please note the operating instructions and follow them exactly! The cleaner and more precise you work, the longer the applied rubber patch will last.
Afterwards it looks like this:
And this is inside the new packaging:
Package contents VERTICS.Shoepatch
The VERTICS.Shoepatch Set consists of different black rubber repair patches made of soft binding rubber. Sandpaper for roughening the shoe rubber, rubber pad for smoothing, vulcanizer (5g) is also included. Of course, there are also instructions for repairing holes and tears in climbing shoes. With this set you can mend all holes and cracks in soles, edges and all other rubber surfaces of climbing shoes. You can cut out suitable pieces from the larger rubber patches with scissors.
We have tested it extensively and subjected it to constant endurance tests in many climbing sessions. All patched shoes can withstand many climbing sessions.
The rubber patches are permanently and firmly connected to the shoe rubber with the help of a vulcanizing liquid from the tube. Please note the operating instructions and follow them exactly! The cleaner and more precise you work, the longer the applied rubber patch will last.
This patching method is not a substitute for resoling climbing shoes with new rubber soles, but only serves to delay the due soling or as an emergency repair for defective climbing shoes during a climbing trip. And the shoemaker can easily remove the patch when he resoles your shoes.
VERTICS.Shoepatch belongs in every climbing backpack!